About Us

Virtua health EMS task force
Virtua Health EMS Task Force
Virtua Health EMS Providers
Virtua Health EMS Providers
RWJ Barnabas Health Helicopter
Robert Wood Johnson Barnabas Health


Paramedic Advocacy Organization in New Jersey

NJAPP is distinguished as the lead organization in New Jersey focused on the interests of all Advanced Life Support Providers. Its unwavering commitment to professionalism and excellence in the paramedic workforce is evident in its initiatives supporting the delivery of patient-centered care.

Our Mission

NJAPP advocates on behalf of its members to promote, maintain, and ensure the following:

  • Policies allow ALS providers to efficiently and effectively administer life-saving medical services to patients.
  • Initiatives to increase transparency and accountability throughout all levels of pre-hospital medical services
  • Best practices, advanced technologies, and operational protocols conducive to the efficient delivery of pre-hospital and advanced life support medical services.
  • All New Jersey Paramedics have a safe workplace environment and fair employment conditions.
  • Pre-hospital advanced life-care support provided to New Jersey residents reflects the latest in evidence-based best practices.

Board of Directors

Mark Bober

Mark Bober, NJAPP President

Rick Sposa
Vice President

Rick Sposa, NJAPP Vice President

Alex Lewinsky

Alex Lewinsky, NJAPP Treasurer

Art Samaras
Board Secretary

Art Samaras, NJAPP BOD

Jamie Chebra
Immediate Past President

Jamie Chebra, Immediate Past NJAPP President

Our Members

Atlantic Mobile Health – Atlantic Ambulance Paramedics

25B Vreeland Road, 3rd Floor, Florham Park, NJ 07932

Art Samaras, Managerart.samaras@atlantichealth.org973-631-0824
Kevin McElroy, Assistant ManagerKevin.McElroy@atlantichealth.org201-919-5734
Dave Petersen, Clinical Directordavid.petersen@atlantichealth.org973-535-8500
Dave Petersen, Clinical DirectorRaymond.dwyer@atlantichealth.org201-230-7221

AtlantiCare Regional Medical Center EMS/MICU

6685 Washington Avenue, Egg Harbor Twp., NJ 08234

Stephen Napoli, Chief/DirectorStephen.napoli@atlanticare.org609-407-6380
Mark Jeffries, Clinical Coordinator/Assistant ManagerMark.jeffries@atlanticare.org609-380-8842

Capital Health EMS/MICU

2480 Pennington Road, Pennington, NJ 08534 | http://capitalems.org

Alex Lewinsky, DirectorALewinsky@capitalhealth.org609-815-7000
Kim Ryan, Operations ManagerKryan@capitalhealth.org609-815-7000
Keith Elmer, Clinical Coordinatorkelmer@capitalhealth.org609-394-4531

Cooper University Hospital Dept of EMS/MICU

1 Cooper Plaza, Camden, NJ 08103 | https://www.cooperhealth.org/

Rick Rohrback, EMS DirectorRohrbach-Rick@Cooperhealth.edu856-757-4800
Ron Murphy, EMS Clinical ManagerMurphy-ronald@cooperhealth.edu856-757-4800

Englewood Health EMS/MICU

122 South Van Brunt Street, Englewood, NJ 07631

Richard Sposa, DirectorRichard.Sposa@ehmchealth.org201-894-3416
Michael Geisler, Assistant Director/Clinical CoordinatorMichael.Geisler@ehmchealth.org201-894-3207

Hackensack University Medical Center EMS/MICU

Michelle Kobayashi, Administrative Director of EMSmichelle.kobayashi@hmhn.org201-953-5758
Andrew Quevedo, Clinical Supervisor – ALSandrew.quevedo@hmhn.org551-204-1432

Hunterdon Health EMS/MICU

2100 Wescott Drive, Flemington, NJ 08822

Keith Shipley, EMS Educatorkshipley@hhsnj.org908-788-2500

Inspira Health EMS/MICU

PO BOX 868, Millville, NJ 08332 | www.inspirahealthnetwork.org/ems-ground-transport

Mark Chapman, EMS Directorchapmanm@ihn.org856-825-5063
Patricia Lutz, MICU/EMS Education Managerlutzp@ihn.org856-825-5063

Jersey City Medical Center EMS/MICU


Joshua Otero, Director of OperationsJoshua.Otero@rwjbh.org551-267-4113
Steven Cohen, Senior Director of Clinical QualitySteven.Cohen@rwjbh.org201-832-1741
Jamie Baker, Clinical ManagerJamie.Baker@rwjbh.org732-579-2502

JFK Medical Center EMS/MICU

308 Talmadge Road, Edison, NJ 08817 | www.hackensackmeridianhealth.org

Mark Bober, Director of EMSMark.bober@hmhn.org732-943-6635
John Iazzetta, Director of EMS OperationsJohn.iazzetta@hmhn.org732-395-0271
Rich Schlosser, EMS Clinical Manager, Central RegionRichard.schlosser@hmhn.org732-453-4679
Jeffrey McBride, EMS Clinical Manager, South RegionJeffrey.mcbride@hmhn.org732-206-7112

RWJBarnabas Mobile Health


Anthony Raffino, Assistant Vice PresidentAnthony.Raffino@rwjbh.org973-477-9827
Steven Cohen, Senior Director of Clinical QualitySteven.Cohen@rwjbh.org201-832-1741
Neil Thorn, Clinical ManagerNeil.Thorn@rwjbh.org908-442-3509
Andy Ibanez, Central Region DirectorAndy.Ibanez@rwjbh.org551-208-9347
Jenna Ferlazzo, Central Region ManagerJenna.Ferlazzo@rwjbh.org732-421-7634
Alex Mezzomo, Central Clinical Coordinatoralexander.mezzomo@rwjbh.org732-447-7858
Deanna Douglas, Northern Region DirectorDeanna.Douglas@rwjbh.org732-799-8200
Michelle Barrett, Northern Region Managermichelle.barrett@rwjbh.org732-543-3963
Michael Copeland, Northern Clinical CoordinatorMichael.Copeland@rwjbh.org732-258-5567
Brad Delorme, Southern Region DirectorBradley.Delorme@rwjbh.org732-325-7753
Brian Skillman, Southern Regional ManagerBrian.Skillman@rwjbh.org609-456-7057
Russell Powell, Southern Clinical CoordinatorRussell.Powell@rwjbh.org732-633-9954

Saint Clare’s Health EMS/MICU

400 West Blackwell Street, Dover, NJ 07801

John Cronin, Managerjohncronin@primehealthcare.com973-537-5619
Deborah Paglianite, Clinical Managerdpaglianite@primehealthcare.com973-537-5644

Saint Joseph’s Health MICU

703 Main Street, Paterson, NJ 07503 | https://stjosephshealth.org/

Dennis Castro, Directorcastrod@sjhmc.org973-754-2262
Robert Bertollo, Manager, MIH, Community & Prehospital EMSbertollr@sjhmc.org973-754-2260
Kevin Webb, Clinical Managerwebbk@sjhmc.org973-754-2261

University Hospital EMS/MICU

150 Cabinet Street, Newark, NJ 07107 | www.uh-ems.org

Jason Brady, Executive Directorbradyja@uhnj.org
Joseph Burlew, Associate Directorburlewjo@uhnj.org
Armand Cayer, ALS Coordinatorcayerar@uhnj.org
Joe McNamara, Chief Flight Nursemcnamajo@uhnj.org
Mike Carrig, JEMSTAR Supervisorcarrigmi@uhnj.org
William O’Brien, Training/Education Supervisorobrienwe@uhnj.org
Nancy Orlowski, Training/Education Supervisororlowsna@uhnj.org

Valley Hospital Emergency Services/MICU

599 Valley Health Plaza, Paramus, NJ 07652 | https://www.valleyhealth.com/services/emergency-medical-services

Rebecca Baso, Directorrbasso@valleyhealth.com201-447-8185
Ingrid Santucci, Managerisantuc@valleyhealth.com201-251-3369
Matthew Bremy, Clinical Coordinatormbremy@valleyhealth.com201-447-8430

Virtua Health EMS/MICU

523 Fellowship Rd., Mt. Laurel Township, NJ 08054

James Newman, AVP EMS Transfer Centerjnewman@virtua.org856-355-0120
Thomas Lavagna, Director of EMStlavagna@virtua.org856-581-7535
Bruce Graham, Director of Education/Clinicalbgraham@virtua.org856-581-7549

Meet Our Members

NJAPP proudly represents ALS Providers from some of the largest, most accredited NJ hospital networks